What is web design and development?
Web design simply means how a website looks and the impact it leaves by looking at it, whereas web development means how the website operates.
How do you define eco-friendly?
When you attach “eco-friendly” to anything, it signifies minimal to no harm to the environment
Eco-friendly website means to design and develop the website in such a manner that it is
harmless to the environment, plants, humans, and our planet.
Digital Marketing Service Providers
Companies or agencies that market your brand or business on your behalf and help you reach
your targeted audience through different platforms.
Why do we need eco-friendly solutions?
As the world advances and becomes more digitalized, awareness regarding eco-friendly
environments has vastly spread and similarly, digital marketing service providers have started
Taking care to design and develop the web in an eco-friendly manner.
After reading the above sentence, the first thought that crosses the mind is how virtual things
create pollution. Well go through this infographic, which will clear your doubts about how internet
People create pollution, and various factors contribute to it..
According to the reports, around 4.6 billion people use the internet daily and the servers that are
responsible for providing the internet emit huge amounts of carbon that contribute to
environmental pollution. According to the report, Lean-ICT-Report_The-Shift-Project_2019,
Around 3.7% of GHG emissions stem from digital technology and the internet. Research has also predicted that by 2025, this amount will double.
Factors That Can Contribute In Eco-Friendly Web Design and Development
A few factors are being mentioned below to create web that is harmless for plants and future
- Use green hostings
- Less use of videos
- Reducing the size of the image
- Less codings
- Lazy loading
Use Green Hostings
Utilizing servers powered by renewable energy. We can partner with such hosting
companies, that power their websites through as well as even
We use the least amount of renewable energy
Less Use Of Videos
Videos, although eye-catching and more understandable, use a lot of power to load
and hence, creating more pollution. Before using them, think whether it are compulsory or can be
Reducing The Size Of The Image
There are alot of methods and softwares that can help create or format images without
ruining its resolution and quality To save energy, use small images.
requires less power consumption and, in turn, less carbon emission
Less Codings
If possible, creating a website from scratch can help reduce code usage, as only necessary
codes will be input, and it helps in avoiding unnecessary load on the website. Even by doing so,
The website’s quality has also improved, as it loads easily and its working speed is great.
Lazy Loading
It means that until and unless a page is scrolled down below, information should not be loaded. It
saves websites from unnecessary load, and less energy is consumed.
The Rise of Eco-Friendly Web Design and Development in Digital Marketing Service Providers
In recent years, a lot of service providers have sensibly started using eco-friendly web design
and developing techniques, which is a good addition and awareness in this respect has played
an important role, yet some refrain from doing so.
Even a huge number of customers look for eco-friendly products. According to research, around75% of customers, when looking into a product, go for one marketed as eco-friendly.
In order to satisfy consumer needs, service providers have adapted an environment that isbeneficial for the environment and creates less damage overall.
From all the information mentioned above, it can be inferred that an eco-friendly environment is
very important to build, keeping aside in which field work is being done. Every field has different
aspects of playing their part in making a pollution-free environment and assuring a safe and
sound future.
An eco-friendly environment for creating and developing web not only ensures safety, but it is
cost-effective, less effort is required, and it makes work easy and hassle-free. If you want any of our hustle-free websites, our company will also provide Web Design and Development Digital Services worldwide.